BlogChatter Half Marathon:
So, this is my last post for Blogchatter’s Half Marathon campaign. It’s been 15 days, since we bloggers who joined this campaign are posting poems, articles, photos, reviews etc. daily. Blogchatter started this Blogging Marathon campaign on 15th July, 2016 and since then we are posting our blog posts on #DailyChatter links. Around 55 bloggers enrolled for this campaign.
My Journey:
I connected with Blogchatter in 1st week of July thru Twitter. Later, I took part in Blogchatter’s Wednesday chat sessions, and from there I got this information about half marathon. Since I was new to this group and wanted to connect with my fellow bloggers, I took the challenge and enrolled for the campaign. In past 15 days, I wrote and published almost every kind of blog post; poems, articles, travel posts, book review and photo blog. On very first day of the half marathon, I planned to pick a single genre for my posts for the next 15 days, but I wasn’t that good in any particular genre to continue this challenge for 15 consecutive days. Then I dropped the idea of planning and writing stuff in advance. I just let myself free to write anything, without thinking much about the genre.
Everyone from the Blogchatter blogging community participated in this campaign enthusiastically. I found so many wonderful bloggers here in Half Marathon, who made this event a huge success. I learnt a lot from all of them. Some of the bloggers with whom I interacted thru comments and twitter posts, were so good in their own blogging world, that when I received feedback from them, it actually helped me enormously in building my blog. Before taking this challenge, At times, I actually wondered !! If I could complete it or not !?!? But, when I noticed that how other bloggers were keeping their calm and posting some amazing stuff, it infused determination in me to complete the task.
My Experience with bloggers:
I followed almost every blog post in the past 15 days, and tried to drop a comment as well. And trust me, I found so many amazing bloggers with such beautiful posts, that most of the times it felt like from where these people get so many ideas and how creative they are? Some are born poets, some are story tellers, some are story makers, some are artists and some are exceptional reviewers !!! They mastered the art of creating unbelievable stories.
Thank you note:
I hope Blogchatter will organize more campaigns like this, and for this campaign I bow before you! It’s only because of you “Blogchatter”, that I met with extra ordinary bloggers and connected with them over twitter and other platforms. I also want to thank every single blogger who took part in this Half marathon and posted some enchanting blog posts. And special thanks to those who took interest in my blog posts and gave their valuable feedback, every single time. :)
Here it is.. A small token of love for #Blogchatter from all the bloggers :D :D