Thursday, 24 March 2016

Make your day count..

There is a lot we see daily, 
There is a lot we ignore daily.
There is a lot we think daily,
There is a lot we miss daily.
There is a lot we spend daily,     
There is a lot we loose daily.

But the days are different!  
When we see, think and spend together on things worth doing.

And the days are different!
When we ignore, miss and loose together on things worth leaving. 

The days we make good for others,
Are the days we want to see daily,
Are the days we don't want to ignore daily.                    
Are the days we want to think for daily,
Are the days we don't want to miss on daily.
Are the days we want to spend on daily,
Are the days we don't want to loose for daily.

So, live your days wisely..
And fill someone's life with happiness daily...