Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A new year, a new beginning !

A new year, a new page,
A new beginning, a new race!
Run the distances, to face the challenge
Higher is the risk, stakes are less to change
Joy and Peace is what, we all expect
Let’s hope and see the next year's best.
Time to enjoy and to make dreams,
Wishes are many, it always seems!
Rear is different, Front is serene,
Make the future an everlasting dream.
Treat the nature and make the planet green,
Rendezvous with life is written and is seen.
A wish is empty without the hearty words in it,
A life is empty without the meaningful endeavors in it.

So wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and good luck in all your future endeavors!!

I thought of writing about my experiences and memories of 2016 but then those are precious to heart and will take a lot of time to write down on paper/blog. Hopefully I will share them soon. Until then, I wish you all a very Happy New Year' 2017 .

Linking the post with BlogChatter weekly prompt 'New Year'.


  1. Beautiful thoughts Saumy! Hoping to read a detailed post on the year that went by. Wishing you and eventful 2017, cheers.

    1. Thanks a lot for all the wishes, Kala! I will definitely try to write the detailed post soon. Also, thank you so much for your continuous support and appreciation throughout the last quarter since we came in contact. Wish you and your family a fabulous 2017. Cheers~ :)

  2. Amazing, yaar. So well written...I hope these wishes come true and it's upon us to make them a reality!

    Have a great 2017!

    1. Thanks a lot, Alok! Thanks for being there as a regular and wonderful reader of my blog. Your appreciation means a lot. And high five to our friendship. :) Wishing you and Saru a very Happy New Year! :)

  3. Agree with you that new year is the perfect time to start working on new dreams , new ideas.. so why don't you capture all those thoughts and share with us? would love to read about the year gone by and your plans for year ahead.. atleast the blogging bit..wish you the best!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the post,Chandni! Yeah there is a lot in store to share and I hope to write the detailed post soon with all the good and bad experiences of 2016 and positives which am going to take forward with me in 2017.
      Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year! Stay happy and blessed! :)

  4. A beautiful new year wish.Joy and peace we all need .Making the planet green us my wish too

    1. Thanks a lot for stopping by Amrita! We all make wishes and always try to fulfill them to the best of our abilities. Hope 2017 will bring a lot of happiness and great opportunities for us to excel in whatever we do. Wish u and your family a very Happy New Year! :)

  5. Loved the verse and so true indeed, life is full and magical only when we have meaningful encounters in it. The smiley balloons are so lovely! Wish you and your family a fabulous new year Saumy!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Arti! Thanks for being such an inspiration to me. Wish you and your family too a very Happy New Year! Stay happy and blessed! :)

  6. Beautiful poem Saumy.Really looking forward to a detailed post from you as you are not writing much these days. Wish you a very happy new year and a wonderful year ahead. Keep writing and keep sharing your thoughts with us. And stay same..The nice and sweet person you are..Don't change. :)

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words, Deepa! Your appreciation means a lot to me. Never thought of making good friends on social media but am so glad that we met. You've always inspired me and encouraged me to learn some very basic, yet meaningful lessons of life. Thanks for everything! Always be the same and awesome! :)

  7. Wonderful poem saumy! I loved your treat the nature point, yes! it is indeed the need of the hour to treat our nature well (better) if we need to sustain living healthily. With so much pollution and global warming, giving back to nature is a requirement now. Loved the poem. Wish you a great year ahead with lots and lots of success!

    1. Thanks a lot, Menaka! Glad you liked the poem. :)

      Wish u too a very Happy New Year! Have a wonderful 2017. :)

  8. A lot said in few lines; that's the beauty in poetry. Happy new year Saumy.

    1. Thanks a lot, Upasna! Glad you liked the poem. :)

      Wish you too a very Happy New Year. :)

  9. A beautiful way to welcome the new year. Happy new year! :)

    1. Thanks a lot,Neha! Glad you liked it. Wish u too a very Happy New Year :)

  10. Beautifully expressed Saumya! Wishing you and yours a very happy 2017!

    1. Thanks a lot, Aditi! Glad you liked the poem!

      Wishing you too a very Happy New Year! :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks, Divya! Wish you too a very Happy New Year. Have a fab 2017! :)

  12. A very Happy New Year to you and your family, Saumy!
    Really liked your poem filled with lovely thoughts. Dreams and endeavours are two strong pillars for a bright and stable future. :)

    1. A very Happy New Year to you too, Tarang!
      Glad you liked the poem! :)

  13. I wish you too a beautiful year ahead :) the last two lines are my favorite... So thoughtfully written.

    1. Wish you too a fab 2017, Raj! Glad you liked the poem :)

  14. What is life void of adventures and aims?!? So true and so thoughtful :)
    Happy New Year to you too!!

    1. Thank you so much, Vaisakhi! :)
      Wish you a fab 2017 :)

  15. Such meaningful and happy poem :) wish you a super year ahead Saumy :)

  16. So beautiful Saumy! I agree with Shweta here,it's a meaningful and a happy poem! Happiness to you too! :)

  17. The poem took me with the last two lines. So much energy and positiveness packed together. amazing! keep spreading happiness.
